

Religion teaches us that we have to perform many works of our own efforts in order for God to love and bless us, and many churches have mistakenly bought into that way of thinking. This philosophy has seeped into what is taught about money, namely that we must tithe a certain amount or God will curse and punish us. The truth is, because of what Jesus did we are now under grace and no longer under the Law, and therefore no longer under the threat of punishment or condemnation. God wants us to give freely and from a grateful heart, not out of a sense of obligation. - World Changers Church

We believe the body of Christ should be one and church accessible to all, wherever they go. The beautiful thing is that being a believer, you automatically inherit a family in the Lord. This is what Go-Worship strives to achieve and make accessible to all. We provide this platform to users for free but would very much appreciate your help to keep it going as a cyber hub for church. You can also select a specific church you would like to send tithe or offering to by selecting below.

We appreciate you. But more importantly, in any instance, God LOVES you.

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